All our retreats are designed to help you find your way to happier living!
Attending retreats will help you with:
Elimination of Fears;
Reducing Anxiety and Stress;
Attracting to your life better people and easier situations;
Enhanced your Decision Making
Returning Happiness to your life!
And Much more!
Nina-Bastet hosts retreats at spiritual and sacred places worldwide.
Nina has made it her mission to help guide people on their path to spiritual awakening and emotional healing.
Nina is a Shamanic Practitioner Initiated in Peruvian shamanism, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist; Reiki and Energy Practitioner, Access BARS and Access Consciousness Practitioner; Spiritual Life Coach, Relationship Life Coach and Spiritual person with large knowledge base and excitement about everything that life has to offer.
Learning from her own experiences, and experiences of many others of people who she was guiding, with the Angelic guidance she developed retreats to share her knowledge and experiences.
Посмотрите наши другие предложения, мероприятия и ретриты:
Духовные Ретриты в Sanctuary on the River Mountain Lodge Retreat Center в 2024 – 2025
Our retreats are held in English and available with Russian and Spanish languages.
Weight Correction Body and Mind Detox Yoga Retreat Costa Rica 10 days
Rebirth of the Goddess – Women’s Transformational Retreat in Costa Rica
The Entrepreneur’s Edge – 4 Days of Life Mastery with Ayahuasca & in Costa Rica
Intense Emotional Healing Retreat with Ayahuasca & Meditation 7 Days Retreat in Costa Rica
Costa Rica Holidays Journeys to Happiness with New Year Ayahuasca Ceremony
Couples Happiness Retreat to Awaken Your Love – Retreat in English and Russian Languages
Возрождение Любви и Гармонии в Семейных Отношениях – Ретрит в Коста-Рике для Семейных Пар
The Heroes of Our Time – Real Men Retreat in Costa Rica
Ayahuasca Retreat Peru, Emotional and Physical Detox Retreat 7 days
Духовные практики и полезная информация о здоровье и счастье
Past Life Regressions Online, Offline in Costa Rica
Aromatherapy, Rain Drop Technique, Essential Oils
Psychospiritual Integration Coaching with Nina
“Неочевидное, но Вероятное” Духовно – Познавательная Программа Нины Бастет