Category: Tropical Fruits of Costa Rica
9 Benefits of Guanabana – Soursop Tropical Exotic Fruit of Costa Rica
Guanabana – Soursop is one of the amazing fruits of Costa Rica Soursop is the fruit of Annona muricata, a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree. It is native to the tropical regions of the Americas and is widely propagated. The fruit is grows large like 5 pounds or more. It is a fruit that is green […]
Araza Tropical Exotic Fruit of Costa Rica
Araza Fruit is another nice Tropical Exotic Fruit of Costa Rica Botanical name: Eugenia stipitata Araza the Fruit of Costa Rica is originate in western part of Amazonia. The fruit of araza is a sphere shaped berry and may weigh up to 750 grams each. When immature, the fruits are pale green and their color changes […]
Soncoya Tropical Exotic Fruit of Costa Rica
Soncoya is another Tropical Exotic Fruit of Costa Rica, really worth to try, when your are traveling. Botanical Name : Annona purpurea Exotic fruit Soncoya is native of Central America and can be grown in Costa Rica. It is quite common in coastal lowlands from southern Mexico to Panama, Colombia and Venezuela. Soncoya has also been introduced […]
Black Sapote Tropical Exotic Fruit of Costa Rica
Black Sapote is one of the Tropical Exotic Fruit of Costa Rica Diospyros digyna Green-skinned fruit of an ornamental evergreen. The black sapote doesn’t just taste nice, it’s a dieter’s dream-come-true. Black Sapote is high In vitamin C, actually it contains four times the vitamin C found in a single orange, and significant amounts of […]
Cashews Marañon Costa Rica Tropical Exotic Fruits
Cashews – Anacardium occidentale – Marañon . are spendthrift fruits that have many different uses. They originate in tropical America, and the cashew fruit has one small but tough external nut. The fruit itself has a smooth exterior. Scientifically speaking, the small seed on the top of the fruit is the real fruit and the […]
Dragon Fruit Costa Rica Exotic Fruits
Costa Rica is a one of the places, where you van find many exotic tropical fruits. If you like fruits Dragon Fruit is one that you must try on your visit to Costa Rica. Dragon Fruit Hylocereus undatus – Pitaya When you open it you will see the seeds that are eaten together with the […]
Jackfruit Costa Rica Exotic Fruits
Jackfruit Artocarpus heterophyllus, is the largest tree grown fruit in the world. It grows 50-80 lb -see the picture comparing it to the mug. It is a very weird looking fruit. It huge and the whole fruit smell may at first unpleasant. When you open it, you will see the small fruits inside. The fruits […]
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